Creamy Winter Italian Spinach and Sausage Soup

Here we go guys, my all time favorite soup to make all winter. I’ll truly makes this serval times a season with how easily and delicious it is to make. It’s the perfect mix of hearty, comforting, and really warms the soul.

It also makes a huge batch so it’s great for meal prep for the week or for a large family lunch or dinner. Hope you all enjoy this recipe as much as I do!

Creamy Spinach and Sauage Soup 2.JPG

Yields 8-10 serving // Cook Time: 50 minutes


  • 1 lb ground mild Italian sausage

  • 1/2 cup diced onion (about half an onion)

  • 1/2 cup diced red pepper ( about 1 red pepper )

  • 2 tsp minced garlic

  • 2 tbsp butter

  • 2 tbsp flour

  • 6 cups chicken broth

    • (Note: I prefer to go with a no salt or lower sodium broth because the sausage adds a lot of salt itself to the dish.)

  • 12 oz fresh ramen or lo mien noodles

    • (I used a 16oz here because it was the only fresh lo mien type noodles I could find, it just means more noodles which are the best part :)

  • 2 cups half-n-half cream

    • (Note: You can substitute for whole milk or 2% milk)

  • 3 cups baby spinach

  • 1/2 tsp black pepper

  • 1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese


  1. Brown the Italian sausage in a large pot. Drain the excess fat and set the sausage aside.

2. Using the same pot, return it to the heat and melt the butter. Add the diced onions, diced red peppers, and garlic. Sauté over medium heat for 4-5 minutes.

3. Sprinkle with flour and stir to coat. Cook for about one minute, stirring constantly. Stir in the chicken broth and bring to a boil.

4. Once the soup is boiling, stir in the fresh noodles. Return to a boil and cook according to the package - fresh noodles take about 3-6 minutes, stirring often.

5. Once the noodles are cooked. Stir in the sausage, cream, and spinach. Cook for several minutes until spinach is wilted.

6. Add black pepper to taste and serve with shredded parmesan cheese.